The Art of Alchemy

A brand new non-business container for Life Mastery

Alchemy has the power to reshape matter

You are an Alchemist, a powerful creator, with the ability to birth your visions in matter

The Art of Alchemy is a call to all those who know, even if it’s currently a faint whisper that they are The One, the one who generates their entire world and reality and is finally ready to dive deeper into consciousness itself

The ancients have known this for a long time, quantum physics is now telling us exactly the same. 

The only reality is the reality observed 

And what is observed will depend entirely on where you are looking from

As human beings each of us has a unique prescription, all past impressions compounded into a bespoke lens you look through and call ‘reality’.  

It’s a major blindspot and is a the root of repeating intergenerational patterns and trauma

As a species we are living in extraordinary times on the planet and quite literally our collective capacity to hold more consciousness and let life in, beyond the survival mechanism opens up a whole new field of potentiality and possibility.

Black and white image of a woman in a hat with a feather, wrapped in a patterned shawl, standing outdoors.

The Art of Alchemy is a 6 month circle journey, a container and space of deep listening, to outgrow the stories that live you so you can fully let life in and live in ALIVENESS, joy and pleasure

If you’re tired of quick fixes that don’t work, or temporary solutions meaning no matter what you try or do you find yourself back in the same pattern, whether that be in your business, relationship, finances, fitness and you’re ready to deeply listen to all life is showing you, The Art of Alchemy is for you

A 6 month alchemical journey to meet your deep purpose, passions, pleasure and desires.

To meet the essential abundance of life, to unfreeze and dissolve all that is holding you back and meet the ground of being itself

Ontological enquiry and teaching accompanied by somatic and energetic exploration

Monthly teaching modules
Circle coaching sessions

The Art of Alchemy launches November 2024 

Enrolment is open

The Art of Alchemy

Dory Walker

Black and white portrait of a smiling woman with long hair, wearing a square-neck top, standing outdoors.

Dory Walker is a Maturation coach and Quantum energetics mentor, supporting woman in business and life to align to their infinite potential. 

Dory has been facilitating transformational spaces for 25 years. 

Her fascination with ‘mind’ and consciousness started as a child, finding a book on meditation and breath mindfulness aged 12, this began her deep thinking and fascination with the human experience and the cosmos. 

She was 19 when she started practising Yoga while at University and it quickly became an obsession taking the place of heavy dope smoking, drugs and drinking. 

At 22 she took her first Yoga teacher training course and has since, over the past 25 years, trained extensively in mixed spiritual arts. 

For the past decade, Dory has been committed to meeting life more deeply through the Shamanic way of the Red Path, through Vision Quest and Moon Dance ceremonies, alongside training as a Mindbody maturation coach

Join Art of Alchemy

Starts November 2024

Launch Price: £666
(Full price: £1111 - launch offer ends 1/10/24)

One Payment Option

2 part payment option
(£347 x 2 monthly instalments)

Booking is non-refundable