For women creatives & well-being professionals who know they have another level of impact & prosperity to expand into
Manifestation, Meditation & Magic
MMM with Dory Walker
So Excited you are here welcome to my brand new membership Manifestation, Meditation and Magic (MMM)
In this space I will be sharing meditation and energy practices to align to your desired manifestations
This isn’t head work… this is Mindbody
This is shifting the ground from where you are being
Dialling up your embodiment so your BEING becomes the magnet and mirror to all you desire
From an Ontological perspective there are two 🔑 that when consistently applied will allow you to break the current cycle and BE an energetic match for what you are calling in
#1 All matter is 99.9% space… energy creates. You are an electromagnetic energy being and when you create from energy and release the need for material evidence things start to shift FAST
#2 If you are human, you have a human mind. The design of the human mind is mechanical, running on a hardwired survival programme, all commands programmed from the database of the past
Manifestation is the transmission of energy into matter
Magic is a suspension of the five senses needing physical evidence
Meditation is the perfection of the skill of manifestation and magic
Maturation is the process of evolution into maturity as you outgrow your past
Metaphysics studies reality and existence, if all matter AKA reality is 99.9 % space, we better study the nature of that, when you do your manifestations in all areas of your life will sky 🚀
What I know from my own direct experience and working with so many of my clients is that until we are willing to really look and see the stories, which is all past that are living us, our desired results in life and business will continue to feel just out of reach
In the MMM, Manifestation, Meditation and Magic membership with Dory this is our work
🔥Monthly Manifestation Meditation activations to bring you into energetic alignment to all you desire
🔥Monthly Q&A to answer all your questions about your own maturation journey of outgrowing the story of your past
🔥Select trainings to supercharge the process
🔥Private group for inspiration, activation, support and celebration as you master the art of turning energy into matter
If you have ever found yourself in a repeating pattern, where it doesn’t matter how much yoga you do, green juice you drink, different business strategies you try… there you find yourself back in the same loop of frustration, hitting your head on the same glass ceiling, whether in how much pleasure you allow in, how much prosperity you allow yourself to receive, how aligned you feel to your purpose and most importantly how at peace you are with it all
I have been committed to the work of studying consciousness for the past 25years and now for the first time I am opening up a space where we get to all create HUGE magic together,
The BRAND NEW membership is in pre-launch and right now 12 months of membership is £111, I’m not sure when but soon this price will double. When you join now, you lock in the founders rate for life.
If you desire to scale you business this is the work
If you desire to create more impact this is the work
If you desire to sustain your health and fitness goals this is the work
If you desire to sustain more wealth in your life this is the work
Have you heard the saying 80% energy, 20% strategy..
It’s true
Matter… Manifestation follows energy
If any of this rings true MMM is for you
A private group with a monthly MMM practice plus trainings and Q&A sessions
I am so excited for this and to be with you all 🔥
Aligning to Infinite Potential
Let’s do this
Dory xox