21 day activation accelerator to clear the path for truly intentional and aligned living…. Listen beyond story and align to Infinite Potential


1 - 21 December 2024

This is for you if you’re a soul centred entrepreneur, yoga teacher, coach, wellness practitioner or creative and you’re ready to move beyond self censorship, strengthen your self agency and claim the life you desire, step into the infinite potential of being human.

Ready to claim your life and aliveness? 

INITIATE radical TRUTH telling and own your innate creativity

We are living in extraordinary times, your powerful self leadership is needed more than ever

Now is the time for full INITIATION into your infinite potential

So why is it that you keep finding yourself in frustrating loops?

Repeating patterns of behaviours, relationship dynamics, feast and famine cycles

What if I told you it could change in an instant?

Do you feel in your heart and gut that so much more is possible and available to you?

Are you ready to

Stop saying yes to things when you mean NO

Get crystal clear on what you’re available for and release habits and outdated patterns

You have so much to say and share but most of it stays inside your head!

Learn how to move beyond self censorship and start creating and living the life you desire

This is for you if you’re ready to re-define your boundaries, strengthen your self agency, move beyond self censorship and claim the life you desire

INITIATION begins 1 December

Are you ready to:

⚡️Release limiting beliefs

⚡️Empower yourself through understanding key archetypal patterns 

⚡️Align your core values to the life you desire

⚡️Unlock Quantum Codes to supercharge your powers of manifestation

⚡️Align to the codes of INFINITE receiving 

⚡️Shift the ground form where you are being 

INITIATION will ACCELERATE your ALIGNMENT to your purpose, freedom and abundance in all areas of your life.  Pull up the anchor and get ready to set sail into the next chapter of aligned life.

"It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection."
Bhagavad Gita 3.35

Get clear on what you want and claim it. 
Are you ready for INITIATION?

Thank you Dory so much in there

I'm half-way through this first transmission and already finding so much food for thought. Thank you x

Thank you for the beautiful welcome September 1st has never felt so potent and uplifting

Your Mentor Dory Walker

I've dedicated and invested nearly 30 years of learning, study and practise into the transformative power of Yoga… 

Yoga at its heart is the science of being, Ontological enquiry into the nature of reality. 

I am a Shamanic and Tantric arts transformation catalyst, entrepreneur and quantum business success coach 🔥

A super power of mine is TRUST 💫
Love is the POWER and we are love

I believe all our next level initiations lie in our ability to be from love and embody more love… 

And have the courage to Alchemise what stops this flow 

We are stronger together and the power of the circle, sisterhood and the transformation this supports is MASSIVE

Join me for 21 days of power INITIATIONS 

Rip up the rule book 
Follow the nudges 

Be INITIATED into the life you truly desire. 

You are more powerful than you think, you are infinite whole and part of the infinite whole 💜💜

No permission slip needed
You do you 
Because in all the billions on this planet 
There is only one of you and will only ever be one of you 

So what are you doing with your life 
Spend your days in joy and choose freedom


Starts 1 December 2024

Across 21 days you’ll access…

⚡️3 LIVE online modules (recorded if you can’t attend live)

⚡️Recorded audio & video modules

⚡️Daily prompts & activations

⚡️Energy work, meditations & body work

You’ll have access to the INITIATION programme until the next LIVE edition in 2025


STARTS 1/12/24


PLEASE NOTE All enrolments are non-refundable.