For women creativeswell-being professionals who know they have another level of impact & prosperity to expand into


with Dory Walker

Finally outgrow the story of your past so you can actually move beyond frustrating repeating patterns in your business, personal relationships and ignite your unlimited potential

6 June 2024

In this masterclass you will uncover

🔑 3 blindspots that are keeping you hitting the same glass ceiling in your business growth and personal relationships, no matter what you do

🔑 Why the energy body is vital to supercharge your manifestations and 2 keys to activate this

🔑 What ancient Yogis and shamans have been doing for centuries that has the potential to blow up your life and business beyond what the mind can comprehend

You’re in the right place if ….

You’ve tried a bunch of strategies, done all the Yoga, been on a fast, said the affirmations and still feel stuck and frustrated when it comes to creating the life and business you truly desire, I get it.

I’ve been there, in the loop of frustration.
And I did all the things. But no matter what is I did, the same looping programme was running.

But I am here to tell you, you absolutely can shift the pattern and break the cycle.

And it isn’t more strategy or training. If that was the case then everyone would be living their unlimited potential as strategy is accessible to all. And you wouldn’t be here

Whether its fear that keeps you stuck, imposter syndrome, a feeling of not enough-ness, unworthiness or the feeling that no matter what you do you feel invisible or that no-body can hear you

In this masterclass you’ll discover why the nature of being human, of the design of the mind itself is at the root of your experience of how reality is appearing for you. And what needs to happen for you to soar higher than ever before

I cannot wait to share with you

I’m ⎼ Dory Walker

I've been studying consciousness and the human mind for the past 25 years. In the early days this was through a very discipled and immersion meditation and Yoga practice.

For the decade between 20-30 I spent most of my time living in ashrams fully immersed in practice, in-fact I often thought during these years that I wanted to be a monk and live in a cave in the Himalayas… life had a different plan!

Within my personal spiritual practice I continue to walk the extraordinary path of freedom that is Yoga as-well as being committed to the Red Path of itzachilatlan. 

For the past 15 years I’ve been teaching on human potential and in the last 5 years, applying this Ontological enquiry into business growth, mentoring women to fully claim and step into their visions, expanding their impact and income.

My intention at this extraordinary time in the evolution of consciousness on the planet is to be of the greatest service that I can to humanity and to support others to get out of their own way enough to do the same.


6 June 2024
7.30pm - 8.30pm (BST)

(Register for a recording if you can’t attend live)
