a powerful LIVE 3 month online group business coaching container for wellness educators, coaches, leaders & entrepreneurs who are ready to claim their own spotlight, get visible as they amplify their impact and make more money

emergence 2.0

Making the decision to finally claim your own spotlight and  grow your business is wildly exciting

The evolution and abundant growth of our Maturation Coaching & Business Mentoring business (and our Yoga business Yogakutir) over the past 23 years wouldn’t be what they are today without the continued investment, support and guidance from our mentors.

Support has been the game-changer in the growth and expansion we have experienced, in our ability to claim our own spotlight and continually inquire beyond the current ‘perceived’ reality, to choose a living into the field of Infinite Potential.

emergence is the space we’ve created to support you in claiming your own spotlight, in fully realising and actualising your dream life & business, the more of us thriving the better.

Warning: Emergence is not for you if…

You only want to be a practitioner and not a business owner

You don’t believe Wellbeing educators and entrepreneurs can build successful, sustainable and profitable businesses

You are absolutely happy where you are right now and desire nothing more from your business

You’re not committed to doing the inner work (this comes BEFORE the strategy)

You’re not motivated to move the needle forward

If you relate to all the above then don't read any further…

You are most definitely in the right place if…

☑️ You desire more from your wellbeing business and life, you’re ready to evolve your impact and increase your income. You’re ready to have big conversations about money and stop beating around the bush

☑️ You're ready to form deeper connections with your clients

☑️ You want to grow a sustainable and profitable business that doesn’t involve you delivering 20+ sessions a week (not sustainable! been there done that)

☑️ You want to build or develop the online aspect of your business to create recurring income that's scaleable and non-location specific

☑️ You desire to grow your in-person offerings with expert courses, trainings and/or retreats

☑️ You want to grow your audience

☑️ Develop your VISION and VOICE, and tap into growing your audience across all platforms. You are ready to Get Visible 

☑️ You’re ready to rewire your mindset and live beyond the stories, patterns and blindspots that are stopping you from growth (this is the big one)

☑️ Stand strong and unshakable in your energetic alignment (vital)

☑️ You know that developing your messaging and strategy is part of the picture but also know understanding the energetics of business is KEY

Sound familiar? You have…

Hundreds of hours of training… Thousands of hours of teaching/training/facilitating/coaching… 1000’s more of personal practice and you continue to invest in deepening in your education…

AND you still haven’t figured out how to build your wellbeing business and create the life you desire through doing something you are 1000% passionate about and you know creates such a positive impact in the world.

Not only that when it comes to showing up and being visible in your business you feel physically sick, and find all the reasons and procrastination strategies why not to…

You’ve invested in business courses, marketing and social media coaching and are completely committed to what you want… and yet things haven’t worked out as planned.

You’re still in the shadows even though you say you want the spotlight

Strategy, marketing, branding, copywriting, ads, funnels, messaging are important practical aspects (before working in wellness we spent many years doing exactly this, very successfully, in the music industry). 

We know the wellbeing industry very well. 23 years running super-successful and high-level worldwide retreats, training programmes, courses, teacher mentorships, writing books, studio and online offerings, we know what works and the strategies involved.

AND you need MORE than strategy.
Where you are being from is EVERYTHING.
And when you do the inner work, your outer world will change too. 

In EMERGENCE we’ll support you with the ingredients you require to finally make your business one that not only enables you to serve others at a higher level but to live the life you desire.

We’ve applied all we will teach and share with you to our lives and business and the shifts have been seismic.

If we can, YOU can too. 
It starts with a decision and it’s yours to make.

We’re here to support and champion you every step of the way. 

Are you ready to finally make the impact and income you desire…
Will you use Q4 of 2024 to draw a line in the sand and take a stand for the growth you deeply desire?

Whether that’s consistent 3K, 5K or 10K months or creating your first big offer, we will share strategies we’ve employed in creating a consistent 6 figure wellbeing business.

We are here to serve YOU.
Are you ready to claim your space in this powerful maturation and business container, to finally outgrow what has been keeping you stuck and claim your own spotlight ?

Over 3 months we will support you in deep maturation work to outgrow what has been keeping you playing small as we mastermind your VISION, energetically aligning you to your vision and mission.

Inside emergence

Energetics, Maturation, Strategy, Mindset, together with Community & Support are vital components that make the difference between you shifting from surviving to thriving.

In Emergence you’ll receive expert guidance and personalised support from two experienced teachers, coaches and business leaders (Dory Walker & Rory Viggers), each with their unique specialisms and master of expertise. We’ve worked with hundreds of teachers to support and mentor them in their teaching, personal and business development.

Emergence is also the place where you’ll connect with peers who, like you, are stepping into their next-level of business and mindset. Elevating the level of conversation around your business and mindset is part of the process in stepping into your next level and higher standard.

Over 3 months you’ll get…

1 x 90 minute 1-2-1 Maturation, VISION and strategy call at the beginning of EMERGENCE to align to your boldest vision and put a plan in place to make it happen

Private mastermind group for on-going support (invaluable)
allows you to ask all your questions and receive ongoing support to maintain momentum in your growing business

9 group teaching and coaching calls. These calls will be a combination of teaching calls plus masterminding Q&A sessions

You will cover 

🔑 outgrowing limitations 
🔑 aligning to the field of potentiality 
🔑 online + offline strategy
🔑 mindset + energetics 
🔑 scaleable income strategy
🔑 marketing/ads/website + tech support
🔑 messaging + sales support

+ Bonuses

🔓 the VISION accelerator
8 module self study programme to support you in developing your flagship offer, align your messaging to your ideal clients, own your zone of genius, plan out a 12 month road map to launch your scalable product suite, plus Rewire your mindset and biology for inevitable success. (Value: £777)

🔓 Let’s Get Visible - 8 weeks of visibility prompts and reflective prompts to support you stepping fully into your own spotlight
(Value: £222)

🔓 Activate your VISION immersive Mastermind Day
an immersive Day deep dive to fully thrive
(Value £297)

Total value of BONUSES = £1296

Imagine entering the end of the year with your mindset and systems in place to see your business sky rocket.

Places are limited

“Just want to say again how grateful I am to have had your mentoring, I am experiencing a tangible increase in self-awareness, which is uncovering beliefs & stuck patterns and making life more interesting. Your experience with all aspects of yoga, running retreats and marketing/selling have been invaluable. I can feel myself re-defining my relationship with my work, as it's own entity. I am finding more discipline (& less distraction) in my work times and have been more boundaried about my leisure times. A deep bow to you for all the work you've done to become the amazing being that you are. Thank you”
Caroline, Yoga Teacher

environment & identity matters

Having a coach, mentor and a peer group is intrinsic to you achieving a higher standard - AKA achieving your goals.

Who you spend time with matters, being in an environment surrounded by peers with the same ambition to raise their standards is powerful. 

To be supported by people who have already set themselves a higher standard, succeeded and are living it everyday, helps you achieve your higher standard.

Environment is essential. It can mean the different between you taking action, or your dreams staying as that… dreams. Being held in a mentoring container offers you a powerful soundboard and mirror plus accountability, to hold you to your higher standard, to help you give up the stories of should, could, would and go for the results, keeping you focused on why you want it.

Environment allows you to shift your identity, and identity is key when raising your standards and saying YES to being available for the quantum shifts. 

3 Month Business and Maturation accelerator 

“I jumped onto your course as I thought it might give me a different perspective… And WOW! My head is spinning with ideas of what I can do. You’ve really helped me to shift my paradigm from being a small single person studio owner, back to being a large studio owner on my own terms. And I am so fired up about it, it’s making me cry with excitement! A really heartfelt thank you to you both for putting this out there”

Dory Walker

With 23 years of experience teaching Yoga, Dory is an author, spiritual mentor and entrepreneur. I know we can live and share our deep purpose and grow thriving, profitable businesses..

I’m dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams and support your journey. Let's rise together and create positive change for a better world.

If you're ready for your next level, I’m here to champion you every step of the way.

I’ve walked the very path you'll explore in this training, shifting from 'drop-in' and 1-2-1 clients and 'more teaching/coaching equals more earnings' to achieving profound client transformations alongside sustainable income growth.

It's the identical process you'll master in this training.

Join emergence 2.0


One Payment option
(early-bird price)

Vision Accelerator (value £777)
Lets Get Visible (value £222)
Activate your Vision Mastermind Day (value £297)

Enrol Now

Payment Plan
3 x monthly £444
(early-bird price)

Vision Accelerator (value £777)
Lets Get Visible (value £222)
Activate your Vision Mastermind Day (value £297)

Enrol Now

PLEASE NOTE All enrolments are non-refundable.